Dealing with A-Holes

Using an immersive play-based experience to teach your team how to have difficult conversations, reduce toxic environments, all while having fun.

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What would be possible for your organization if your employees were able to do their best work without fear of retaliation of the A-Hole at the office?

Learn About The Importance Of Dealing With A-Holes

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Dealing with A-Holes at Work Using Play Experience

We all have had that person at work that goes by the colorful euphemism that starts with the letter A. Why has that person’s behavior been tolerated in the office? How has this person affected staff morale and productivity? What is the dynamic fostered at your workplace to allow this type of behavior? What if you could address this problem in a fun, dynamic way? Through our play and values workshop, we provide techniques on how to deal with your own A-hole problem. Finally addressing the “A” issue may cause your company to thrive in ways you once thought impossible.

How Much Are A-Holes Costing You Each Year?

According to the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM), toxic workplace cultures have cost business approximately $223 Billion Dollars in the past 5 years due to turnover. If you could reduce the toxicity in your workplace, how much money would you save, how would morale change, and how much more productive would your staff be?

Fast Facts:

2 HourProgram

Designed tomaximize individual and team performance

Easy to use strategies can be applied immediately.

In this workshop, participants learn to:

  • Determine how to address your A-Hole problem in a productive and fun way.
  • Recognize and identify the environment that allowed this toxic person to act this way in the first place.
  • Figure out how to reclaim your values and culture that has made your organization successful to begin with.

The Learning Experience

Our workshop is structured in three sections, each designed to assist employees in improving confidence, communication, and collaboration skills.

Section 1:

Defining what makes an A-Hole

Participants will be invited to envision someone at work that is an A-hole. Also they will be exposed to the symptoms of people that suffer from A-Hole-Itis.

Section 2:

Experiencing The A-Hole

Participants will play experiential games designed to put them in real-world scenarios. This will allow them to understand how it feels to work in a toxic and non-toxic work environment in a low-stakes way.

Section 3:

Solutions for Dealing with A-Holes

In the final section, participants will learn proven solutions for dealing with A-Holes in their organization. They will get a chance to practice their tested solutions so they are well equipped when they go back to work.

What our participants had to say

About your facilitators

Jeffrey Harry

Positive Psychology Play Speaker, Rediscover Your Play

Jeffrey Harry has worked with Google, Microsoft, Southwest Airlines, Adobe, the NFL, Amazon and Facebook, helping their staff to infuse more play into their day-to-day. His work has been featured on AJ+, SoulPancake, the SF Chronicle, and CNN. ​

Gary Ware

Creative Catalyst, Breakthrough Play

Gary Ware, the Founder of Breakthrough Play, is a sought-after Corporate Facilitator and Keynote Speaker with nearly a decade of experience as a performer in improv theatre. He assists teams with unlocking creativity, confidence, and sparks collaboration with experiential methods proven to drive peak performance.

Ready to transform your team?

Contact us today to schedule a complimentary consultation.